As you already know, we here at Phanatix Interactive are hard at work on our first game, Swift. Being a team of only two people, the mountain of tasks to get done before we can launch the game seems almost never ending. But we took some time off from our game’s core development to work on something special — something just for you!
In order to provide you with a first peek at our game, we made a new website devoted just to Swift! Here you can find information and screenshots for the game. We will be adding new content here as we go, including more screenshots of gameplay yet to be revealed, and a video trailer that we are currently working on.
The complete address is: www.swift-game.com. You can also find links in the top and bottom menus to take you there from this site at anytime. We’ll be sure to let you know in our blog when we release something new.
We’ve given you a taste of what’s in store for Swift, but there is still plenty more on the way. As always, we love to hear your feedback, so feel free to leave a comment or contact us. Thanks again for all the support you’ve shown us!
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